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Studying Abroad

This whole studying abroad thing that I have gotten myself into seemed like a great idea at first. It was a very impulsive decision when I did decide to do it. I did not consider the logistics behind this entire trip until I actually had to deal with it. There's a hell lot of things I had to (still have to) . Don't get me wrong the whole program is great, but i think its lacks a certain structure to it.

Getting a UK visa is apparently very hard due to some retarded interpretations of the immigrations rules by both the school and visa officers which makes it extremely hard to obtain one at this point. Hopefully it will work out at some point in the near future. The fact that I have to leave my 'study abroad' in the US for a study abroad to Europe hasn't kicked in yet. It probably has to kick in sometime soon this week and the euphoria has yet to set in.

For now I shall continue watching Arrested Development and entertain myself with these last few days of free internet and HD cable television that I have in this country, that people call the Land of the Free.

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